- Code-of-conduct – all members must sign a code of conduct that addresses inclusivity and diversity, mental health, publications or outputs, social media use, working hours, and vacation
- UCLA code of content for the entire university: UCLA Student Conduct Codet
- UCLA EPSS field trip code of conduct: 1 UCLA EPSS Field Trip Policies
- Refer to the session 6 deliverable for an in-progress departmental code of conduct developed by this Pod. link the deliverable
- Communication plan and expectations, e.g. how do members communicate with each other and what times are appropriate
- Communication expectations such as email response hours, open-door office policies, interaction on internet forums, etc should be discussed between student and advisor – A code-of-conduct or Mentoring Agreement could include these expectations as suggested above.
- Reporting Policy -address issues related to insensitivity, harassment, exclusion and what are the consequences (e.g. not everyone drinks alcohol; no “locker room” talk), provide additional contacts for reporting outside of advisor
- UCLA Title IX Office: Welcome to UCLA Title IX Office
- How to move forward when a student, faculty, or staff member feels Title IX has not provided satisfying consequences? This link provides a lot of information about how decision are made but nothing about what those “decisions” can be – e.g. Termination of employment of the assaulter? Restrictions on their attendance of certain events? Restraining orders?
- Anonymous Department feedback: https://epss.ucla.edu/feedback/
- UCLA reporting form: https://equity.ucla.edu/report-an-incident/
- UC reporting form: https://ucsystems.ethicspointvp.com/custom/ucs_ccc/default.asp
- EDI vice provost office https://equity.ucla.edu/our-edi-team/vice-chancellor/
- Division of physical sciences diversity coordinator or Associate Dean for diversity https://www.physicalsciences.ucla.edu/diversity/
- National Science Foundation reporting https://www.nsf.gov/od/odi/harassment.jsp
- NASA reporting https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/files/533577main_45013-Anti-Harassment_Brochure-Final.pdf
- UCLA Title IX Office: Welcome to UCLA Title IX Office
- Conference and workshop participation (how often and who pays for it?) Be explicit about opportunities for this type of participation and at what point they will be expected to attend conferences
- AGU Meeting: Welcome to AGU | Advancing Earth and space science
- GSA Annual Meeting https://www.geosociety.org/GSA/Events/Annual_Meeting/GSA/Events/home.aspx
- DPS Conference: 2021 DPS Meeting | Division for Planetary Sciences
- AMS Conference: AMS Annual Meeting
- LPSC Conference: 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC 2021)
- AAS Conference: Meetings
- SBAG conference: Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Meeting Information
- SACNAS Conference: The SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference
- AISES conference: Welcome to AISES National Conference | AISES National Conference
- UCLA conference fund: UCLA Doctoral Student Travel Grants for Conferences, Professional Development and Off-Campus Research (DTG)
- Every graduate student is provided with up to $1000 in travel funds for graduate students to use for professional development purposes (conferences, workshops, etc)
- UCLA Division of Physical Sciences provides up to $5000 funding for student participation in diversity conferences. Requests for funding should be made through the department representatives on the Physical Science Diversity Committee.
- Funding and attendance expectations needs to be expressed by the advisor. This could be included in a group code-of-conduct or a Mentoring Agreement.
- Students and advisors should be open to some of the listed smaller conferences or workshops, where the focus may be more on professional development for underrepresented groups, and increasing the professional voice of underrepresented groups.